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Results for "tradition: "Shinto""
The seas of the four directions The seas of the four directions
Interfaith Worship and Prayer A teaching story about the importance of working together.
The way to stop time The way to stop time
These islands are extraordinarily beautiful These islands are extraordinarily beautiful
The Living Way Twenty-seven stories from the life and ministry of this Shinto priest.
Wabi Sabi Andrew Juniper on the beauty of the Japanese aesthetic of wabi sabi, which has been called the art of impermanence.
Spirited Away A Japanese animated feature that is nothing short of wonderful with its ten-year-old female protagonist and its steadfast refusal to set up a dualistic battle between good and evil.
Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo A fascinating documentary about the high regard for insects in Japan and the cultural and spiritual reasons behind this phenomenon.
Cold Fever A valentine to the charms of Iceland and a flinty meditation on a young man's quest to bestow a blessing on his parents.
The art of Japanese flower arranging sought to recreate the natural The art of Japanese flower arranging sought to recreate the natural